Staff Members
R. Pringle – Literacy Lead
The Literacy Strategy Group is a whole school improvement group that aims to develop a consistent approach to literacy across the school, raise the profile of literacy in the wider school community, and raise attainment in literacy at all levels, all in line with the National Improvement Framework and OECD report recommendations.
Developing literacy skills is a vital part of a young person’s learning as these skills are not only applied across the curriculum, but are crucial in terms of employability and are central to all forms of effective communication.
At Belmont Academy, we focus on three areas of literacy:
Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation skills
Improving Reading through Closing the Vocabulary Gap
Literacy Skills for Life, Learning and the World of Work (such as communication, note making and organisational skills)
All pupils undertake a programme of literacy skills, delivered within language heavy subjects and supported across curricular contexts through termly focuses and assessments. These lessons are designed to embed the skills required to ensure that our learners are equipped for academic success and have the confidence they need to successful contribute to their chosen vocations when they leave the school.