School Meals
The school canteen is open at break and at lunch. A variety of hot and cold snacks, meals and healthy options are available daily. At Belmont Academy, we run a cashless catering system; food can be pre-ordered and paid using your Parent Pay Account. Pupils in receipt of free school meals will automatically have their account credited with their dinner money. Pupils may also bring packed lunches and use the facilities within the dining hall to enjoy their lunch. No one knows when children are in receipt of a free school meal.
If your child has any allergies then please let us know and the canteen will ensure they are safely catered for.
The current criteria for entitlement are included below, however this is reviewed annually in April and updated information will be available on the Council website
Children of parents receiving Income Support, Job Seekers Allowance (Income Based), Child Tax Credit (only where income is less than £16105), Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit (where income is less than £6420) Universal Credit where earned income is £610 or less per month, income related element of Employment and Support Allowance and support under part V1 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 are entitled to a free midday meal.
Information and application forms for free school meals may be obtained from schools, customer service centres and from Educational Services, County Buildings, Wellington Square, Ayr KA7 1DR, Telephone 01292 612465.
EMA's are available to young people aged between 16 and 19 years old who are attending full time school education. EMA is a weekly allowance of £30. Eligibility is also assessed on gross taxable household income - in session 2022-23 this is up to £24,421 (for households with 1 dependent child) and up to £26,884 (for households with 2 or more dependent children). Applications are only accepted until 28th February.
For more information, and to apply online, head to